Felix Craig-McFeely
Fitzwilliam | CUBC
Gentlemen Hawks,
It is a great honour to have been elected President of the Hawks’ Club in its 151st year. The Club continues to celebrate the highest sporting excellence at the University and represents the very best traditions of Varsity sport.
I am pleased to lead an excellent Resident Committee representing 7 sport clubs: rowing, rugby, cricket, hockey, golf, football and boxing. I am also particularly proud to be the 13th Hawks’ President from the CUBC and the first lightweight, on the occasion of 50 years of CULRC.
2024 will be another exciting year for the Hawks’ Club with the traditional calendar of the Golf Day, Steele-Bodger’s, London Dinner, Welsh Dinner, Varsity Matches and the Hawks’ Event. The Committee looks forward to creating a lively atmosphere in the Clubhouse and facilitating a strong community of sportsmen across the University. The Club will also continue to support the sporting achievements of our members via the Charitable Trust.
Once a Hawk, always a Hawk and it would be a pleasure to welcome members, of all vintages, back to Portugal Place.