Join us at the Savoy on Wednesday 6th December 2023 for the London Dinner!
Our Guest of Honour, Philip Collins studied Social and Political Sciences at St John’s (1992-1995) and won three football Blues, captaining the side in 1994. He was chief speechwriter to Tony Blair in 10 Downing Street, writing Blair’s last speech as Leader and is now responsible for all of Keir Starmer’s major set-piece speeches. Philip is Founder and Writer-in-Chief for The Draft, a writing agency with major global clients, and is a regular columnist for the New Statesman and the Evening Standard. He is the author of six books and has previously been Chair of Trustees at Demos, the Director of the Social Market Foundation and an equity strategist in investment banking.
Our Chairman this year, James Furber read English at Gonville and Caius (1972-1975) He joined Farrer &Co (solicitors) in 1976 and remained there for the rest of his legal career becoming a partner in 1985 and was senior partner 2008-2011. From 1996 until his retirement in 2020 he was Solicitor to the Duchy of Cornwall. While he played Football and Cricket for his College his Hawks sport is golf and he toured India with the Hawks in 1984. He was Captain of Royal St George’s in 2016 having previously started a fixture there against the Stymies.
Complimentary Cobra Beer will be served from 6.30pm
As ever we are restricted to a limited number of spaces in the Savoy’s sumptuous surroundings and we urge you to contact your fellow Hawks and make up tables as quickly as possible to avoid missing out.
Ticketing Options
The standard ticket price for Alumni Hawks is £135.
Alumni Hawks who wish to generously subsidise the ticket cost for a current student Hawk alongside their own ticket purchase may do so by selecting the £210 option above.
Alumni Hawks who do not wish to purchase a £205 but would like to make an additional contribution, please feel free to make an additional contribution by selecting your desired quantity of the ‘Optional Additional Contribution’ tickets (in addition to purchasing your £135 ticket).
A limited number of £105 tickets are available for Hawks who graduated in 2021-23. The graduation date will be validated via the Club’s database.
Current students should contact the Club President, Felix Craig-McFeely, for tickets.
For a brief history of the London Dinner, please click here.

06/12/2023 - 07/12/2023
6:30 pm - 12:00 am
The Savoy HotelLondon
United Kingdom